SEND Support Plans and EHCPs
Children on the school’s SEND register will have either a SEND Support Plan or an EHCP. Below is information about the two types of plans:
SEND Support Plans
The majority of pupils on the SEND register will have a SEND Support Plan in place and their needs met at SEND Support level. A SEND Support plan is a plan written by the SENDCo, teachers, external agencies and parents. The plan outlines the following:
- Areas of need
- What is important to the child
- What is important for the child (the provision they need in the classroom)
- Parents/carers views
- External agencies involved
- Description of need and barriers
- Targets towards overcoming barriers
An Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is plan written by the Local Authority. EHCPs are granted to children who have the most complex need and may require specialist schooling. To apply for an EHCP, it must be evidenced that, despite SEND Support being in place following a graduated response, the child’s needs are still not being met.
Schools, parents, professionals from health and professionals from social care can apply for an EHCP.
An EHCP outlines the following:
- About me (child views)
- SEND need
- Health need
- Social care need
- Long term outcomes
- Education provision needed
- Health provision needed
- Social care provision needed
- Named school for the pupil (mainstream/specialist)
- Direct payments information
- Advice contributors