Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
Welcome to our SEND page. Our aim is to provide clear, informative information about SEND and our school. We hope you find this page useful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Rennison, the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) or Miss Deakin, Shadow SENDCo.
Park End Primary is committed to providing the best educational experience for every child in our school. We want all pupils to be educated within their local, mainstream primary school, regardless of additional needs or disability. We firmly believe that every child has the right to a high-quality, broad, inclusive and balanced curriculum.
Pupils with SEND are offered an education which is inclusive, adaption focused and aspirational. Our offer is driven by equity, not equality; we aim to remove barriers for our pupils so they can achieve alongside their peers.
Useful information and links
Inclusion Team
- Miss Rennison – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator / Designated Mental Health Lead / Assistant Head Teacher
- Miss Deakin – Shadow SENDCo / Mental Health lead
- Miss Yasin – Speech and Language Coordinator
- Mrs Richardson – Designated Lead for Safeguarding (DSL)
- Mr Kumar – Safeguarding and Pastoral Officer
- Miss Race – Deputy Designated Mental Health Lead – maternity leave
What is SEND?
Some children find learning, or accessing learning, more difficult than others. Where this is true, special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) has been identified and the child may require extra support to ensure they reach their full potential. It is the SEND team’s job to identify and meet the needs of children who require this additional help.
Children with SEND will have difficulties in one, or more, of the follow areas:
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and physical development
- Communication and interaction
If you are concerned about your child, please discuss this with your child’s class teacher who will alert the SENDCo.
What will happen if my child is identified as having SEND?
Initial concerns raised from you, or your child’s class teacher, will result in the SENDCo monitoring your child’s progress within school over a period of time.
Following further discussions with you, your child’s teacher, the school SENDCo and any external agencies supporting your child, there will be one of two outcomes:
- Your child no longer requires any additional support as they have made expected progress
- Ongoing support is required, which is above the normal provision expected for a child
If your child requires ongoing support, additional to the everyday provision for children, they will be placed on the school’s SEND register with parental consent.
The SEND register: SEND Support
SEND support means support that is additional to, or different from, the support generally made for other children of the same age in a school. It is provided for children who are identified as having a learning difficulty or a disability that requires extra or different help to that normally provided as part of the school’s usual curriculum offer.
When a child is added to the school’s SEND register, a SEND Support Plan is written. The plan is written by school staff, the SENDCo, external agencies and parents.
The SEND Support Plan is designed to describe your child’s needs, identify the provision they need to meet their additional needs, and set short term targets for your child to work towards.
The school will follow a graduated response to meet your child’s needs, following a cycle of: Assess, Plan, Do and Review.
A pupil on SEN support will not have an education, health and care plan.
If it is felt that your child requires more additional, complex support, it may be decided to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from the Local Authority. A local authority may issue an EHCP for a pupil who needs more support than is available through SEND support.
This will follow a statutory assessment process whereby the local authority considers the pupil’s special educational needs and/or disabilities and any relevant health and social care needs; sets out long term outcomes; and specifies provision which will deliver additional support to meet those needs.
This is a legal document that sets out the education, healthcare and social needs of a child or a young person who requires extra support in school beyond what the school can provide.
Your child’s progress will be regularly monitored by the SENDCo and class teacher. You will review your child’s progress towards their SEND Support Plan/EHCP throughout the year.
Specialist Schools
Some parents/carers wish to request their child attend a specialist setting or additionally resourced provision (also known as ‘bases’). Specialist school places and additionally resourced provision places are coordinated by the Local Authority. Requests for specialist school places are made by parents/carers for children who have EHCPs. Requests for additionally resourced provision place are made by the SENDCo on behalf of parents.
SEND Support Plans and EHCPS
Children on the school’s SEND register will have either a SEND Support Plan or an EHCP. Below is information about the two types of plans:
SEND Support Plans
The majority of pupils on the SEND register will have a SEND Support Plan in place and their needs met at SEND Support level. A SEND Support plan is a plan written by the SENDCo, teachers, external agencies and parents. The plan outlines the following:
- Areas of need
- What is important to the child
- What is important for the child (the provision they need in the classroom)
- Parents/carers views
- External agencies involved
- Description of need and barriers
- Targets towards overcoming barriers

An Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is plan written by the Local Authority. EHCPs are granted to children who have the most complex need and may require specialist schooling. To apply for an EHCP, it must be evidenced that, despite SEND Support being in place following a graduated response, the child’s needs are still not being met.
Schools, parents, professionals from health and professionals from social care can apply for an EHCP.
An EHCP outlines the following:
- About me (child views)
- SEND need
- Health need
- Social care need
- Long term outcomes
- Education provision needed
- Health provision needed
- Social care provision needed
- Named school for the pupil (mainstream/specialist)
- Direct payments information
- Advice contributors

External services who support us
We work with a number of external services to provide the very best support for our pupils and help advise staff on how best to meet children’s needs. Click on the service below to find out who they are and how they support our pupils.
We are proud because…
Ofsted, 2022 said:
“Park End Primary School is an inclusive school.”
“Enrichment activities and therapies, such as speech and language support, are built into curriculum time to ensure that all pupils have opportunities beyond the academic.”
“Well-trained staff use assessment to quickly identify pupils that fall behind.”
“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified. Leaders provide detailed plans that help staff develop bespoke activities in class. For example, some pupils have specially designed workspaces. This practice ensures that pupils with SEND are fully included in whole-class learning.”
Ofsted, 2017 said:
“Staff and governors share your relentless determination to overcome the challenges faced by many of your pupils, and their families, within the community the school serves”
” Parents are positive about the information they receive about their child’s learning and appreciate how welcome they feel when visiting the school and talking to you about any concerns they may have.”
Ofsted 2013 said:
“Pupils supported with special educational needs attain higher standards than similar pupils across the country. They make good progress from their starting points as a result of work that is well suited to their abilities and the good support they receive from teaching assistants.“
We are now recognised as a Flagship for Inclusion!
“Park End Primary School is an inclusive school with the children at the centre of all they do. Students of every level are challenged and given the support and opportunities to achieve highly and make progress. At Park End Primary, relationships matter. The relationships which exist between staff and pupils are exemplary and are a strength of the school”

To read the full report, please click here.
Middlesbrough’s SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is provided by local charity, Barnardo’s.
SENDIASS offers free, confidential and impartial advice and support for children and young people with SEND, and their parents.
The service is there to help parents and carers make informed decisions around educational choices for children and young people with SEND. They will also offer help and support with related issues, such as health and social care provision, wherever possible.
Children and young people can also contact SENDIASS directly, and are entitled to independent access to the free, confidential and impartial service provided by SENDIASS.
Please click here to read further information on Middlesbrough’s Local Offer website and for contact details.
Middlesbrough Local Offer
Middlesbrough Council have a website dedicated to informing parents and carers about services available to them within the local area. Use Middlesbrough’s Local Offer to see what the area has to offer for pupils with SEND.
Please follow the link below:
Or view the brochure below: