Dear parents, please complete our parent/carer questionnaire to support us with our new Outdoor Play and Learning work in school. Our parent and carer voice matters to us and we would like to include you on our journey to making playtimes better for our children. Thank you for your support.
By filling this survey in, you give permission for your answers to be analysed by OPAL. If you want further info to contact Miss Ferguson.

Outdoor Play And Learning
Playtime takes up 20% of a child’s time in school, the same amount of time that they spend doing English and Mathematics.
At Park End Primary School we believe that all children need opportunities to play that allow them to explore, manipulate, experience and affect their environment. We believe play provision should be welcoming and accessible to every child, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, economic or social circumstances, ethnic or cultural background or origin, or individual abilities.
Alongside knowledge and understanding, we value skills and attributes in equal measure. These include communication, team work, problem solving, organisation, leadership, independence and resilience. To do this many research has shown the benefits of valuable play from a young age.
Our OPAL whole school approach will help create happier playtimes, better play spaces and enable staff to support outdoor learning. It forms part of their Sport England funded project to increase their capacity and services supporting play in schools. The three broad aims of this project are to enable more schools to improve playtimes, to make the support and resources for this better and to support schools for longer.
To improve playtimes, we will ensure that staff have play base training to support children and the children will have the opportunity to be imaginative this can be through small world play, take manageable risks through tree swings and obstacle courses, explore different textures such as sand and water, build dens and different wheel play areas.
For more information you can visit their website on: Home – Outdoor Play And Learning