
Autumn Term Year 4


Reading is something we love in year 4 and a huge part of all our curriculum.  During our reading lessons we learn to select key information from a question and use this to locate accurate answers within a text.  We also focus on identifying clues within the text to understand the authors’ intent.  In addition to these reading skills, we continue to ensure children practise reading fluently and can confidently read aloud.  In our writing lessons, our writing is inspired by some wonderful books.  We will be using the famous text of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes during the autumn term as our writing inspiration.  This science-fiction classic will provide a range of ideas to produce many pieces of writing from different genres.  Our writing lessons will also give you the opportunity to develop your knowledge of grammatical techniques to improve your writing. 


Some things always stay the same at school. In Year 4, we use Power Maths books, just like you did in Year 3. We also do 5 a day each day, to give you plenty of practice of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will start the year looking at place value of 4-digit numbers. We will also look at addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and perimeter. And of course, we will always do Fraction Friday!  


You will become a historian during autumn term and take a trip back in time! Building on your learning from year 3, you will continue to learn about life from the Stone Age to the Iron Age but this time focus on the beliefs of people during this time of British history. You will then explore the historical beliefs of Ancient Egypt times and make comparisons.  We will focus on a range of interesting questions such as ‘What beliefs did people have in the past?’ and ‘How and who did they worship?’   


In autumn term, you will learn about digital resilience and how to stay safe on the internet. We will use our iPads to learn how to code and create spreadsheets.  


During autumn term, inspirational artists, past and present, will inspire you to develop your painting and textiles skills. You will learn how to demonstrate confident control when using a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes to produce shapes, textures, patterns and lines.  You will also work with colour understanding how to mix colour, shades and tones with increasing confidence.  Show understanding of complimentary colours.  Use watercolour paint to produce washes for backgrounds then add detail and experiment with creating mood with colour. 

In textiles, you will learn to shape and stitch materials using basic cross stitch and back stitch.  You will experiment using running stitch.  You will also colour fabric, confidently, using tie dye to create a pattern.  


In autumn term, you will build upon your knowledge from year 3 and explore maps of the world. You will spend time focusing on the continent Europe, exploring the population, rives and mountains.  We will also study the landscapes and look at how weathering, rivers and mountains shape the land we live on. 


Get your lab coats ready, as you are about to become Park End scientists! During autumn term, you will learn about living things and their habitats.  You will look at grouping and classifying living things using a classification key.  You will also explore how environments are forever changing and the impact this can have.  As scientists you will consider the damage humans can cause to our world and how we can make positive changes to the planet we live on. 


In autumn term you will look at what people believe. You will focus on the religion Christianity and answer the big question ‘Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?’  


During autumn term, you will look at ‘Being me in my world’. You will investigate how listening and being listened to is important in school. You will also learn about ‘Celebrating differences’, looking at bullying.   


Keeping fit and active is an important part of time at school.  In year 4 we will learn the skills to play invasion sports through the wonderful game of rugby.  Tag rugby was developed so primary school children could begin to understand the key elements of being a rugby player.  Through mini games you will develop your ability to dodge and weave while passing a ball accurately.  Autumn term will also see year 4 develop their dance skills.   You will work individually, with a partner and in groups to learn a range of dance moves and perform these as part of a whole routine. 


During autumn term you will listen to and appraise different music, sing and continue to learn to play the glockenspiel. Your autumn term topic will be ‘Mamma Mia!’  

School Calendar

RNLI assembly for KS1 and KS2
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Year 3 pedestrian training
View Event
Year 5 swimming
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