Healthy School
At Park End Primary we promote all aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. This is a whole school focus and is incorporated through all areas of the curriculum and daily routine.
Pupils are encouraged to establish life-long healthy habits which we do through the following:
- Cooking and preparing food
- Curriculum topics linked closely to promoting healthy living
- Growing food in our school garden
- Healthy snacks provided across school at play times
- Healthy choices served at lunchtime and a sociable eating environment
- Special event e.g. Breakfast Week
- Assemblies focused on food e.g. our Ready Steady Cook assembly
- Newsletters sent home with recipes and ideas
- Healthy breakfast club accessible to pupils
- Visits from Dental Health Advisor
- Tooth brushing scheme in reception classes
- Variety of sports clubs during lunchtimes and after school
- Active fun PE lessons
- Focused assemblies on specific well-being issues e.g. keeping calm
- PSHE lessons specific to each year group