Speech and Language
Our Speech and Language Coordinator in school is Mrs S Yazin.
The Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) team work with all communication difficulties including specific speech and language disorders, stammering, cleft lip and palate, voice difficulties, hearing impairment, Autism, Learning Disabilities and eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
Carers/parents or school can make a referral in to the service to ask for support or information if they are resident or based within the Middlesbrough and Redcar and Cleveland boundaries.
For parents to refer, please ring the team directly on 01642 944488.
If you believe your child would benefit from Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT), please contact school and ask to speak to Mrs Yazin.
Early support without a referral
Iona Capstick, Family Hubs Speech and Language Therapist, is available for advice and guidance to both professionals and parents/carers. Please contact Iona on the following email address: stees.talkfamilyhubs@nhs.net

For further information, please see the SaLT website: Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service | Middlesbrough