Autumn Term Year 3
A love of books and the English language is at the heart of everything we will do in English. During our reading lessons we will be continuing to practise our reading fluency and ability to confidently read aloud. We will also learn about how to use key parts of the questions to find answers in lots of different texts. In our writing lessons, we will use some of the most amazing books to inspire our own work. You will dive into the past, using the book, ‘The Pebble in my Pocket’ and write your very own version of the pebble’s story. Writing lessons will give you the chance to develop your understanding of the way we use sentences accurately in our work as you become grammar experts.
Some things always stay the same at school. In Year 3, we use Power Maths books, just like you did in Year 2. We also do 5-a-day each day, to give you plenty of practice of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will start the year looking at place value of numbers up to 1,000. We will also look at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. And of course, we will always do Fraction Friday in our 5-a-day lessons!
You will become a historian during autumn term and take a trip back in time to investigate the Stone Age to the Iron Age. You will then move across the globe in order to investigate just what the ancient Egyptians were getting up to around the same point in history.
Why did the computer squeak? Someone stepped on its mouse! During autumn term, we will learn about digital resilience and how to stay safe on the internet. We will use our iPads to learn how to code and create spreadsheets.
During autumn term, inspirational artists, past and present, will inspire you to develop your painting and textiles skills. You will learn how to mix colours and how to use watercolour paint to recreate styles of famous painters. In textiles, you will learn to stitch and weave materials and use tie dye to colour fabric.
Get ready to delve into the rivers of the world and explore the highest of mountains. In autumn term, you will explore maps of the world. You will spend time focusing on the continent Europe, exploring the population, rivers and mountains.
Get your lab coats ready, as you are about to become Park End scientists! During autumn term, you will learn all about rocks and soils and how the Earth has formed into the incredible structure it is. Grab your torches, it’s time to investigate light! You will be able to participate in a range of fair tests that explore the amazing things that light can do.
In autumn term we will look at what different people believe. We will continue to look at the two religions you studied in Year 1 and Year 2, Christianity and Islam, but you will now be introduced to two further religions: Judaism and Hinduism. You will look at the big questions, ‘What do people believe about God?’ and ‘Why is the Bible important to Christians today?’
During autumn term, you will look at ‘Being me in my World’. You will investigate how your behaviour can affect how others feel and behave. You will also learn about ‘Celebrating Differences’, looking at relationships in families.
Watch out football players of the world, because Year 3 are learning how to play football! You will learn the rules while being able to play lots of mini games for practice. Lessons will help you develop your control of the ball using different parts of your feet. Bust a move and throw some shapes because you will also be learning dance this term.
During autumn term you will listen to and appraise different music, sing and continue to learn to play the glockenspiel. Your autumn term topic will be ‘Let your spirit fly’.