
Summer Term Year 3


‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ will welcome you into the world of Viking mythology. You will once again be able to develop your story writing skills as well as recapping how to write instructions. Through the journey of beautiful illustrations and magical words, this book will engage you from the first page.

In our reading lessons, you will continue to build an excellent vocabulary through the exploration of word meaning. You will continue on your search for facts and complete your shifts as reading detectives by inferring deeper meanings. Combining all of these reading skills will be a talent of yours by summer. You will also have many opportunities to make clever predictions, ask intriguing questions and accurately summarise the events of a text.


For your last term using our Year 3 Power Maths books, you will learn about time, angles, shapes, mass and capacity. And of course, Fraction Friday!


During summer term, you will use historical evidence to investigate how, once the Romans left Britain, the Viking invaders settled in Britain. You will compare all the historical periods you have studied on a timeline and look at the chronology of the historical periods you have studied. Travelling back in time along our timeline, you will investigate how the ancient Greeks fitted into all of these exciting developments throughout history. You will learn just what life was like for those people in ancient Greece.


In summer term, you will continue to learn about digital resilience and how to stay safe on the internet. You will use your iPads to learn how to code and you will learn about branching databases and present data in a graph.


During summer term, you will learn how to make printing blocks and experiment with repeating patterns. In sculpture lessons, you will use clay and other materials to create shapes and sculptures.


In summer term, you will be exploring the extreme effect of earthquakes and the power behind volcanoes. You will find out about transportation around the world and how countries take part in international trade of food, natural resources and tourism.


In your final term, you will finish your scientific journey by learning all about forces and magnets. You will end the year revisiting animals, including humans.


In summer term, you will look at the very important concept of how religion influences the way people live. You will focus on Christianity and look at the big question, ‘What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?’


During summer term, you will look at ‘Relationships’. You will investigate how your life is positively influence by people you know and people from other countries. You will also learn about ‘Changing Me’, looking at how bodies change as we grow up.  


Summer will finally be here and that can only mean two things for PE – rounders and athletics! During rounders lessons, you will be developing your ability to hit the ball every time with the bat and you will also improve your catching skills for when you are fielding. Athletics lessons will have you ready for the Olympics in no time. You will be sprinting, jumping and throwing your way through lots of mini competitions to help you develop those skills.


What type of music are balloons afraid of? Pop music! During summer term you will continue to listen to and appraise different music, sing and continue to learn to play the glockenspiel. Your summer term topics will be ‘Bringing us together’ and ‘Reflect, Reward and Replay’.

School Calendar

RNLI assembly for KS1 and KS2
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Year 3 pedestrian training
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Year 5 swimming
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