

The government have announced that all children are expected to return to school from September 2020. This page is designed to keep you informed about the most recent changes in school due to the ongoing pandemic and answer any questions you may have.  

If you have any further questions or would like to speak to someone relating to Covid-19, please contact the school office.  

We have implemented strict guidelines for everyone to ensure our pupils, families and staff remain safe at school.  

Park End Primary School’s Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Please download our risk assessment to see the measures we have put in place to keep everyone safe. If you have been invited in as a visitor to our school, you will need to read the risk assessment prior to attended and sign on arrival to say you have understood and will follow the measures set out in the risk assessment. We thank you for your cooperation. 

Covid-19 Catch-up Premium

For information regarding the spending of the Covid-19 Catch Up Premium, please download the attached report. 

Report to follow.

Advice for Parents and Carers of Children who are Self Isolating

If your chid has to self-isolate, please inform school as soon as possible by contacting the school office.  Your child’s class teacher will provide a paper work pack for your child to complete at home for the period of their isolation. This can be collected from the school office or, if you are unable to collect due to isolation, can be delivered by the school pastoral team. Your child can take pictures of their paper pack work and upload this to Seesaw for their teacher to mark and give feedback. 

If your child’s class bubble are required to isolate, you will be informed by text message at the earliest possibility and informed of the dates of self-isolation. Your child’s class teacher will set work on Seesaw for the period of the isolation. This will include daily maths, English and foundation subject work. It is very important that you encourage your child to log in and complete online work daily. Your child will also be asked to access online programmes such as Reading Plus, TT Rockstars etc. Your child will alternatively be provided with a paper work pack, if they wish to complete this instead. 


For information relating to the reopening in September and the arrangements we will have in place for Child Protection and Safeguarding please click here or download from the file below.

An App that has greatly increased in popularity amongst children (and adults) during COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ is the socialising App called Houseparty. Information for parents is available in an article published here


Inappropriate Content Online

  • If you or your child encounter any inappropriate content online make a report to CEOP using this link https://www.ceop.police.uk/ceop-reporting
  • If you are worried about cyberbullying then access support from childline here https://www.childline.org.uk
  • Remember, you can telephone childline for free to speak to a counsellor between 9am to midnight on 0800 1111

Domestic Violence and Abuse: Safeguarding during the COVID-19 crisis

Online Useful Information

There is lots more online safety advice on our online safety page on the school website.

Please see the documents below on how we are keeping safe during these times.

Emotional Well-being and Support

Support for emotional wellbeing of our pupils and families during the Coronavirus school closures:

If you would like a printed copy of this, please contact school. This can be collected or dropped to you if you are isolating

The NSPCC has created a number of resources to support parents and carers. Topics include:

  • Talking to a child worried about coronavirus
  • Parents working from home
  • Children staying home alone
  • Lockdown and separated parents
  • How to cope with tantrums and other difficult behaviour

The advice can be found on the NSPCC website here: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/coronavirus-advice-suppport-children-families-parents/

What parents need to know about Covid-19


Some child friendly facts about the coronavirus!

Online Story Books

Lucy’s Blue Day

Lucy’s in Lockdown

Everybody Worries

To read the story of Everybody Worries, online, please click the link below


Special Educational Needs

Support for children with SEND during the Coronavirus school closures:

  • Autism Tips for families
  • ADHD
  • Daisy Chain are offering free telephone support for families with children with ADHD, ASD and sensory difficulties during this time. Please watch the video to find out more. 

Speech and Language Therapy 

As the Speech and Language Therapy Service are currently not able to offer direct face to face intervention with our children at this time, they have set up a Facebook page that we are directing our families to.  It is called “South Tees NHS Children and Young People’s SALT service”.

The service are uploading video advice clips as well as linking into other helpful sites.  You can also find these video clips on their YouTube channel at “South Tees SALT Service Children and Young People”

They also have a Twitter account and can be found at “@SouthTeesSALT”


  • Miss Rennison – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator
  • Mrs Richardson – Speech and Language Co-ordinator / Designated lead for safeguarding
  • Mrs Walker – Parent Support Advisor
  • Mr Kumar – Safeguarding and Pastoral Officer
  • Mrs Gaskarth – Lead Teacher of Nurture Team

School Calendar

RNLI assembly for KS1 and KS2
View Event
Year 3 pedestrian training
View Event
Year 5 swimming
View Event

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We regard your privacy as important and any personal information you give to us will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations.

We do not store personal information about individuals who visit this site except where they provide contact information via our contact us page and contact forms available on various pages throughout the website.

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If you have any questions about the use of your personal information, the Information Commissioner is the independent regulator for both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.