
Mental health and well-being

The emotional well-being of our school community is of greatest importance to us. National lockdown is a challenging time for everyone and we must work together to ensure we are all supported.

If you are worried about your child’s emotional well-being or mental health, please contact Miss Rennison, Assistant Head for special educational needs, Mrs Gaskarth, Nurture lead teacher or Mr Kumar, Pastoral and parent support advisor.

If your child accesses therapy sessions in school, sessions will continue and be delivered remotely. Your child’s therapist will be in touch to make arrangements.

Children’s mental health week begins 1st February 2021. Look out on Seesaw and Twitter for lessons and activities celebrating such an important week.

Resources to support emotional well-being at home:

Below are some resources you could use with your child, to help explain about the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nosy Crow

Nosy Crow

Nosy Crow is a free information book about Covid-19 for children aged 5-9. We recommend an adult reads the book to children and allows children to ask any questions they may have! 

Self Care Kit Covid 19

Self Care Kit COVID 19

A guide for parents of activities that could be completed with children to ensure self-care is a top priority.

Underdogg and the indoor Adventure 1

Underdogg and the indoor adventure 1

A story and activities for parents and carers to complete with children to support understanding the current national lockdown.

THRIVE toolkit Nursery-Y2

THRIVE toolkit Y3-Y6

THRIVE is an intervention used in school to support pupil’s well-being. Here are some suggested activities to be completed at home.

Below are useful guidance documents for parents and carers to help support children’s emotional well-being during lockdown.

Healthy Minds Advice for Parents and Carers

Healthy Minds advice for parents and carers

The Healthy Minds advice is a quick guide with some ideas for parents during these challenging times.

Young Minds advice for Parents and Carers

Young Minds advice for parents and carers

Young Minds are a UK charity support children’s mental health. Their website has useful information ranging from a ‘help finder’ tool, advice on 24/7 therapy services and advice on challenging behaviour.


The NSPCC has created a number of resources to support parents and carers. Topics include: talking to a child worried about coronavirus, lockdown and separated parents and how to cope with tantrums and other difficult behaviour

If you would like a printed copy of the above resources, please contact school. This can be collected or dropped to you if you are isolating.

School Calendar

Mental Health, Online Safety & Cyber Bullying performance
View Event
Remembrance Day
View Event
Children in Need
View Event

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