
Summer Term


During the summer term, we will be visiting the Victorian era before moving to achievements and legacies of modern day Britain. The children will be discovering great inventions such as the telephone, sewer systems and the mobile phone. To consolidate their history-based skills, children will be applying their knowledge of chronology by creating timelines. They will also become historians through evaluating sources of evidence.

Throughout the summer term, Year 5 will be reading ‘Treason’ a book by Berlie Doherty. In this delightful novel, the author weaves an intriguing story around key historical events that occurred during Henry VIII’s reign, perceived from the point of view of a court member whose family fall foul of the changes Henry Vlll made.


The geographical focus will be on investigating North and South America. The children will looking at the physical and human features, population, mountain ranges and rivers. The children will be using atlases and maps to develop their locational skills.


Exploring materials will be the focus in science. The children will be developing their knowledge and understanding of chemistry through this topic. The children will be planning enquiries and recording data, whilst building a knowledge rich understanding of materials and their properties.


In maths, the children will be building upon their knowledge of the times tables and they will continuing with daily rehearsal of the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be continuing with Power Maths.


Musical talents. The children will be developing their singing skills through the participation in a singing group led by a music specialist. All children will have the opportunity to sing and learn a musical instrument. In addition to this, the children will be following a music scheme adopted by the school: Charanga.


To promote healthy lifestyles, the children will be participating in a range of physical education. They will be developing their tennis, rounders, cricket and athletic skills throughout the summer term. There will also be opportunities to participate in school competitions.


As part of our commitment to developing pupils’ personal, social, health and economic knowledge and skills, the children will be learning about their rights and responsibilities as a citizen both in school and as part of the wider world. The children will be exploring relationships and the changing me aspect of our PSHE scheme.


Worship will be the focus of RE lessons. The children will be exploring religious worship and they will gain the skills needed to engage with religion. The children will be looking at Jewish, Christian and Hindu places of worship.


Inspirational artists, past and present, will inspire the children to develop their sculpting and textile skills. The children will be using tools to carve and add shapes, texture and pattern to different sculptures. In textiles, the children will combine previously learned techniques to create new pieces

School Calendar

Year 3 Egyptian Visitor
View Event
Year 2 Maple and Walnut Class to Captain Cook Museum
View Event
Reception trip to Hardwick Park
View Event

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