Summer Term
Children will focus on a piece of poetry explore the mysteries some poems have to offer and the hidden messages that are often within them. They will continue to address word meaning, fact retrieval and inference skills through a range of high level texts, books and resources including Skellig and Holes. Children will apply their knowledge of grammar, imagination and creative writing to produce a range of writing which will showcase their skills.
In maths, the children will be building upon their knowledge of the times tables and they will continuing with daily rehearsal of the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be continuing with Power Maths as a scheme of work to provide children with opportunities for reasoning and problem solving. We want to develop confident mathematicians who have fun and enjoy their learning in maths!
We will continue to look at some of the famous people throughout history from Alexander the Great to the Aztec Empire. Children will delve into the past battles and explore the Ancient Greek civilisation while making comparisons to our world today and developing their understanding of how these battles and empires have impacted us.
The children will be exploring living things and their habitats which will involve understanding how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics. Alongside this, children will classify plants and animals based on specific characteristics. Children will also recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
Children will continue to explore the world and focus on North and South America. They will apply their prior knowledge of biomes and climate zones to further understand these continents and the countries within them. Children will explore these countries on a world map to identify the surrounding oceans and the develop their awareness of cultures and people who live here.
Physical Education
To promote healthy lifestyles, the children will be participating in a range of physical education. They will be developing their athletic abilities using both indoor and outdoor facilities.
Musical talents. The children will be developing their singing skills through the participation in a singing group led by a music specialist. In addition to this, the children will be following a music scheme adopted by the school: Charanga.
To develop artistic skills further, children will create modern sculptures using recycled products in the style of the artist Alfie Bradley. Alongside this, textiles will be used to express different artists and designs which children can have the choice of creating.
Religious Education
Children will develop their sense of respect and understanding for different people and different religions by exploring the different ways communities worship or work together along with exploring what matters most to Christians and Humanists.
As part of our commitment to developing pupils’ personal, social, health and economic knowledge and skills, the children will be learning about their rights and responsibilities as a citizen both in school and as part of the wider world.